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I am a keen exponent of the ABC(plus) method of music notation. This section of my website tries to showcaces some of its possibilities.
(detail yet to be written!)
... | file | X (index) | title(s) | composer(s) | source(s) |
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Matilda_1.abc | 42 | 'k Zag twee beren | Samenspel Kinderdagverblijf VUB 4 oktober 2008 | |
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Matilda_1.abc | 6 | Bingo | Anonymous | |
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Matilda_1.abc | 2 | Jingle Bells | James Lord Pierpont 1857 |
Colin Hume's website colinhume.com - chords can also be printed below the stave. |
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Matilda_1.abc | 5 | Mary Had a Little Lamb | ||
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Matilda_1.abc | 1 | Vader Jacob |