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I am a keen exponent of the ABC(plus) method of music notation. This section of my website tries to showcaces some of its possibilities.
% Nottingham Music Database % Nottingham Music Database % Nottingham Music Database % Nottingham Music Database X:5 T:Kid on the Mountain % Nottingham Music Database S:Bothy Boys M:9/8 K:F#m P:A c|:"F#m"F2F GFG A2G|"F#m"F2F "Bm"dcB "F#m"cAF|"F#m"F2F "E"GFG "A"A2A/2B/2|\ "D"cBA GBA "E"GFE:| P:B |:"A"cAc "E7"BGB "A"A2(3E/2F/2G/2|"A"ABc eaf "E7"ecB|"A"cde "E7"dcB "A"A2B|\ "D"cBA GBA "E"GFE:| P:C |:"F#m"a2a fcf f2f/2g/2|"F#m"aga fga "E"bge|"F#m"a2a fcf f2(3g/2a/2b/2|\ "D"c'ba gba "E"gfe:| P:D |:"F#m"fcc f2g a2g|"F#m"fcc fga "E"bge|"F#m"fcc f2g a2a/2b/2|"D"c'ba gba "E"gfe:| P:E |:"A"fec "E7"ecB "A"A2(3E/2F/2G/2|"A"ABc eaf "E7"ece|"A"fec "E7"ecB "A"A2B|\ "D"cBA GBA "E"GFE:| P:F |:"F#m"CFF fcA F3|"F#m"CFF FGA "E"BGE|"F#m"CFF fcA F2(3G/2A/2B/2|\ "D"cBA GBA "E"GFE:| % Nottingham Music Database % Nottingham Music Database % Nottingham Music Database % Nottingham Music Database % Nottingham Music Database % Nottingham Music Database