ABC(plus) tune page

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I am a keen exponent of the ABC(plus) method of music notation. This section of my website tries to showcaces some of its possibilities.

Tranposition Options

Special 'one-click transpositions:
    None    (1 octave down) Cello    (2 octaves down) Cello    (e.g. Clarinet in) Bb    (e.g. Alt Sax in) Eb    (e.g. Horn in) F [=selected]    (e.g. Euphonium in) Bb, 1 octave down

general transposition:

Viewing score and abc source of 'sample4_X2'

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% - this file is part of abcm2ps
% definitions for tablature
%%beginps/hn{	1 1 1 setrgbcolor 1 SLW	1 index 2 sub 1 index M 8 0 RL stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor	3 sub M /Helvetica-Bold 8 selectfont show}!%%endps
%%deco head-3 3 hn 0 0 0 3
%%deco head-4 3 hn 0 0 0 4
%%deco head-5 3 hn 0 0 0 5
%%abc-version 2.0
%%measurenb 1
T:abcm2ps-4.x.x new features
%%graceslurs 0
%%breakoneoln 0		% needed with abcm2ps-5.x.x
"^slur above.."('CD) "^..below"(CD)|\
"^dashed tie.."E-E "^..slur"(GB/2)A/2"^beam""grossing""e f#ar"!beamon!|\
G/2^F/2 "^chord slur"{(D}[G,E)]3||
"^standard tuplet"(3E/2E/2E/2 "^no bracket"[I:tuplets 1 0 0](3E/2E/2E/2 \
"^forced bracket"[I:tuplets 2 0 0](3E/2E/2E/2 "^ratio"[I:tuplets 0 0 2](3E/2E/2E/2| \
"^nested tuplets"[I:tuplets 2 0 2](7:8:8(3E/2E/2E/2 E/2E/2E/2E/2E/2|
"^1/4 tone""sharp"D ^D "^3/4 tone""sharp"D ^F |\
"^1/4 tone""clat"D ^C "^3/4 tone""clat"C ^A,|"^deco on""drace note"{.E4.^F4}G4||
% tremolo: note the position of the decorations and the note lengths
"^tremolo"G,/2G/2G,/2G/2 G,!trem1!G | G,2!trem1!G2 | \
G,/4[DG]/4G,/4[DG]/4 G,/4[DG]/4G,/4[DG]/4 G,!trem2![DG] | G,2!trem2![DG]2 ||
G,/8A,/8B,/8C/8D/8C/8B,/8A,/8 \
"^beam break"G,/8A,/8B,/8C/8!beambr2!D/8C/8B,/8A,/8\
%%staves 1 2
%%rightmargin 12cm
"^cross staff stems"GG/4G/4G/4G/4G2 | [G,B,DG]2[G,B,DG]2||
V:2 clef=bass
!xstem!G,,G,,/4!xstem!G,,/4G,,/4!xstem!G,,/4!xstem!G,,2 | !xstem![G,,,G,,]2[G,,,G,,]2||

%%staves (melody1 chords melody2)
%%stemdir down
%%stemdir up
%%voicescale 0.8
%%staves [recit GO pos ped]
%%staves [1 2] | (3 4)
% tablature
%%stafflines 6
%%staffscale 1.6
%%staffnonote 2
% percussion
%%stafflines 1