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I am a keen exponent of the ABC(plus) method of music notation. This section of my website tries to showcaces some of its possibilities.
% Sample file to test various features of abc2ps % abcm2ps >= 7.6.0 - definition of '...' (ellipsis) for PostScript %%glyph 2026 ellipsis %K:C % abcm2ps: automatic clef processing gives a bass clef X:3 T:Short and Long Notes, Beams and Tuplets C:Trad M:C K:Amaj L:1/8 A8| B4 c2 de | A, A A,/2 A/2 B/2c/2 B/4 A,/4 A,/2B,/2C/2D/2 | B>c B>>c c