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I am a keen exponent of the ABC(plus) method of music notation. This section of my website tries to showcaces some of its possibilities.
% sample5.abc - this file is part of abcm2ps %%writefields NF 1 %%infoname F "This file is part of the " %%titleformat T,TTQ-1C1A1 %%writefields F 0 %%staves {M A1 A2} %%voicescale 0.8 %%staffscale 0.8 %%staves M X:3 T:Fugue II T:(extract from the well-tempered clavichord II) C:J.S. Bach M:none L:1/8 K:Am %%rightmargin 0.5cm %%leftmargin 0.5cm %%staves 1s 3s | {(1 2) 3} V:1 name="Ossia" %%staffscale 0.8 V:2 %%staffscale 0.8 %%clef bass V:1 eA dc/2B/2 c>c B^c\ V:2 G=F/2E/2 A/2[I:staff +1]A,/2[I:staff -1]E- E/2E/2^F G/2AB,/2\ V:3 G,/2E,/2 A,^F,^G, A,D, =G,=F,/2E,/2\ %%staves (1s 2) 3s | {(1 2) 3} V:1 |dG =c_B/2A/2 BE\ V:3 |=F,_B,- B,/2A,/2D/2C/2 B,/2A,/2B,-\ V:1 |dG =cB/2A/2 BE\ V:2 |z/2A/2G/2=F/2 E^F GE\ V:3 |^F,=B,- B,/2A,/2D/2C/2 B,/2A,/2_B,-\ %%staves 1s 3s | {(1 2) (3 4)} V:1 c2-|c/2c/2B- B/2A/2^G Ae Bc/2d/2| V:2 =FE/2D/2|E>D CB, A,cF2| V:3 B,/2A,/2G,/2=F,/2|G,^G,A,B, E,/2A,/2G,/2A,/2- A,/2G,/2A,-| V:4 x2|z2E,2C,2D,2|