ABC(plus) tune page

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Ik ben een ijverige gebruiker van de ABC(plus) methode van muzieknotatie. Dit gebied bnnen mijn website toont een aantal van diens mogelijkheden.

Tranposition Options

Special 'one-click transpositions:
    None    (1 octave down) Cello    (2 octaves down) Cello    (e.g. Clarinet in) Bb    (e.g. Alt Sax in) Eb [=selected]    (e.g. Horn in) F    (e.g. Euphonium in) Bb, 1 octave down

general transposition:

Bladmuziek en abc broncode van 'newfeatures_X2' zijn hieronder getoond

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%%textfont Helvetica-Bold 21
%%center Examples for new features in abc2ps-1.2.5
%%textfont * 16
%%center Oct. 5 1997
%%textfont Times-Roman 16
%%freegchord 1	% abcm2ps: don't print 'b' as a flat sign
T:Scale with Bass and Alto Clef
K:Amaj clef=bass% abcm2ps: no transposition
"A,,,"A,,,,"B,,,"B,,,,"C#,,,"C,,,"D,,,"D,,, "E,,,"E,,,"F#,,,"F,,,"G#,,,"G,,,|\
"A,,"A,,,"B,,"B,,,"C#,,"C,,"D,,"D,, "E,,"E,,"F#,,"F,,"G#,,"G,,|\
"A,"A,, "B,"B,,"C#,"C,"D,"D, "E,"E,"F#,"F,"G#,"G,"A"A, |
%abcm2ps: don't have a new key signature
%K:C alto
K: clef=alto
"A,,"A,,,"B,,"B,,,"C#,,"C,,"D,,"D,, "E,,"E,,"F#,,"F,,"G#,,"G,,\
| "A,"A,,"B,"B,,"C#,"C,"D,"D, "E,"E,"F#,"F,"G#,"G,| "A"A, "B"B,"C#"C"D"D "E"E"F#"F"G#"G"a"A |

% text moved out of tune header - change in abcm2ps-7.x.x
%%begintext alignHere is an example for a block of text which is associated with a specifictune. It will only be printed if this tune (number 3) is selected.The text should be placed after the "T:" field and before theblock is terminated by a blank line.Text which is outside a block isalways printed; for example, the title at the top of the page.%%endtext
%%text Note: this line and the separator above are also associated with this tune. 
%%leftmargin 3cm
%%titlefont Helvetica-Bold 24
%%subtitlefont Helvetica-Bold 16
%%composerspace 0.4cm
%%composerfont Helvetica 13
%%staffwidth 5.5in
%%scale 0.75
%%staffsep 55
%%vskip 1cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 16
%%begintextSummary of changes:- Bass and alto clefs.- Vocals.- In-line info fields can be coded using [...].- Subtitles now printed without "or:".- Can be more than one composer field.- Predefined formats: standard, pretty, pretty2 (flag -p, -P).- Format page layout by .fmt file selected with flag -F.- Format page layout by %%-pseudocomments in abc file.- Other pseudocomments: %%sep, %%vskip, %%newpage.%%endtext