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I am a keen exponent of the ABC(plus) method of music notation. This section of my website tries to showcaces some of its possibilities.
X:1 T:Love Forever % input from sheet music supplied by Toos H C:AABB ad lib. M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:1/4=98%tempo Q:1/4=80 K:Dmaj V:1%voice 1 %%partsfont Times-Roman 20 box P:A G,,2|:"D"D,A,,F,,A,, D,A,,F,,A,,|D,A,,F,,A,, D,4|"Em"E,2F,2G,2F,2|E,F,E,D, "A7"D,C,B,,A,,| "D"D,A,,F,,A,, D,A,,F,,A,,|D,A,,F,,A,, "Bm"D,4|"Em"E,2F,2G,2F,2|"A7"E,F,E,C, "D"D,4:| %% partsfont Times-Roman 20 box P:B |:"D"A,2A,F, "A"G,2G,E,|F,2F,D, E,4|"D"A,,2A,,F,, "G"G,,2G,,E,,|"D"F,,2F,,D,, "A"E,,4| G,2G,E, "D"F,2F,D,|"A7"E,2E,C, "D"D,2F,2|"A7"G,2E,2"D"F,2D,2|"A7"E,2D,C, "D"D,4:| %LMY ok