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I am a keen exponent of the ABC(plus) method of music notation. This section of my website tries to showcaces some of its possibilities.
% Nottingham Music Database % Nottingham Music Database % Nottingham Music Database % Nottingham Music Database % Nottingham Music Database % Nottingham Music Database X:7 T:The Racehorse % Nottingham Music Database S:Toby Bennett M:9/8 K:Bbmaj "Gm"B,,2B,, B,,A,,G,, "D7"A,,3|"Gm"B,,2B,, B,,A,,G,, "D7"A,,B,,C,|"Gm"B,,2B,, B,,A,,G,, "D7"A,,B,,C,|"Gm"D,2D, D,C,B,, "F"C,3| "Gm"D,2D, D,C,B,, "Cm"C,D,E,|"Gm"D,2D, D,C,B,, "Cm"C,D,E,|"Gm"D,E,F, "Cm"E,D,C, "Gm"B,,A,,G,,|\ "D7"A,,2A,, A,,B,,C, "Gm"D,3:| |"Gm"D,2D, B,,2B,, G,,2G,,|"D"^F,,2A,, D,2F,, A,,2D,|^F,,2A,, D,2A,, D,3|"Gm"D,2D, B,,2B,, G,,2G,,|\ "D7"^F,,G,,A,, F,,G,,A,,"Gm"G,,3:| |"D"^F,,G,,A,, "D7"D,2C, "Gm"B,,2A,,|G,,A,,B,, G,,A,,B,, G,,A,,B,,|"Gm"G,,2B,, D,2G,, B,,2D,| "D"^F,,G,,A,, "D7"D,2C, B,,2A,,|\ M:6/8 "Gm"C,2B,, A,,2G,,|B,,2A,, G,,2^F,,|"D7"A,,2G,, A,,3|| % Nottingham Music Database % Nottingham Music Database % Nottingham Music Database % Nottingham Music Database