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I am a keen exponent of the ABC(plus) method of music notation. This section of my website tries to showcaces some of its possibilities.
% Sample file to test various features of abc2ps % abcm2ps >= 7.6.0 - definition of '...' (ellipsis) for PostScript %%glyph 2026 ellipsis %K:C % abcm2ps: automatic clef processing gives a bass clef % RA Rg MA Mg | .A .g vf/-g/ (u.a/.b/) | uR~M.c2 Hg4 || % abcm2ps: '-' is not a slur X:6 T:Chords, Unions, First and Second Endings M:9/8 K:Dmaj L:1/4 %|: [D2FA] ~+d2fa+ | [c2e][df][eg]|\ % abcm2ps: '+' is no more handled |: [D,2F,2A,2] ~[D2F2A2] | [C2E2][DF][EG]|\ [CC] [DD] [F,/2A,][G,/2B,][D,/2F,]>[C,/2E,] [G,/2E][A,/2E] [G,/2E]>.[A,/2E][B,/2E]>.[C/2E]\ |1 (3[A,/4DF][A,/4EF][A,/4CG] [G,3C,E] :|2 (3[A,/4=DF][^A,/4DG][_A,/4_C^G] [E3GC] |] % abcm2ps: '\' is no more handled %"Am7"A,CC DFF GBB |\M:4/4\"G"a,2b,2"D"c2d2 ||\L:1/4\\K:Bb\"Eb"e4| %| -"Gb"ede edc | def fed |1 "A"efg "D"gfe | e6 \ % abcm2ps: cannot have '-' before a note