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I am a keen exponent of the ABC(plus) method of music notation. This section of my website tries to showcaces some of its possibilities.
% Sample file to test various features of abcm2ps %%footer abcm2ps - sample2 X:8 T:Decorations on two voices T:(also in 'd:' lines) %%infoline 1 C:Composer O:Origin R:Rhythm M:C %%staves (1 2) K:Dmaj V:1 ~D.EJFNG DEFG|BBcd ABcd|!coda!DEFG AGFD|| d:* * * * HRTu|!mf! |!sfz! *** ***!D.S.! V:2 D,E,F,G, D,E,F,G,|GGAB FGAB|D, E, F,G, [F,A,]G,F,D,|| d:~.JN HRTu|~.JN HRTu|!5!!4!M* !5! M d:| |* P !3! !4! %%staves (1 2) %%titleleft 1 %%abc2pscompat 1 %%titleleft 0