Larry Myerscough's rather primitive web pages

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You are welcome to send feedback and enquiries regarding this site to Larry Myerscough

home page


Many years ago, back in the earlier more happy-go-lucky days of the internet, I created a personal web-site (using the python language and little else).
Much more recently, with the advent of much stricter privacy and certification regulations, I took that web-site off-line with a view to revamping them in a compliant way when I got the time. Well, finally, I am finding the time to at least make a start!

In truth, what really got me going again was the need to provide membership administration and web-based music distribution facilities for the music group MuziekVereniging Eindhoven West for which my wife is responsible. The link above takes you to the official site of MEW; this link takes to the supplemental pages on this site.

Sections of this site

mew_extra contains supplentary information relating to The music club and orchestra 'Muziekvereniging Eindhoven West'.

vodawiko_extra contains supplentary information relating to The English Folk dance club 'Vodawiko'.

abc_music relates to the (old but by no means extinct) ABC[plus] approach to musical score rendering. DISABLED (suspected hacking attempt!)

meter shows our working 'smart meter sever' together with some technical background.