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I am a keen exponent of the ABC(plus) method of music notation. This section of my website tries to showcaces some of its possibilities.
X:1 T:Waltz for Christian von Arnim %titel C:Pat Shaw %composer O:%origin M:3/4% type of bar 4/4 or 3/4 L:1/8% length of shortest note Q:1/4=108%tempo Q:1/4=80 K:Dmaj%key C Cm V:1%voice 1 %% partsfont Times-Roman 20 box P:A |:AE|"D"(FD) D2 FD|"A"(EA,) A,2 A,G,|"D"(F,A,) (A,D) (DF)|"A"(AG) E2 AE| "D"(FD) D2 FD|"A"(EA,) A,2 A,G,|"D"(F,A, DF) "A7"(AC)|"D"D4:| P:B |:FE|"Bm"(DB,) B,2 DB,|"F#7"(C2F,2) F,E,|"Bm"(D,E,)D,C,B,,B,|"F#7"(^A,B,) C2 FE| "Bm"(DB,) B,2 DB,|"F#7"(CF,) F,2 F,E,|"Bm"(D,F,B,D) "F#7"C^A,|"Bm"B,3 ^A,"A7"B,C| "D7"(DA,) A,2 =CA,|"G"B,G, G,2 GF|"Em"(EF)EDCB,|"A7"(CA,) A,2 AE| "D"(FD) D2 FA|"G"BAGFED|"A7"(CB,)A,G,F,E,|"D"D,4:| %LMY added repeats (essential at start of P:B) %LMY added "C" chord at end of P:A (sounds horrible otherwise)