ABC(plus) tune page

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I am a keen exponent of the ABC(plus) method of music notation. This section of my website tries to showcaces some of its possibilities.

Tranposition Options

Special 'one-click transpositions:
    None    (1 octave down) Cello    (2 octaves down) Cello    (e.g. Clarinet in) Bb    (e.g. Alt Sax in) Eb    (e.g. Horn in) F    (e.g. Euphonium in) Bb, 1 octave down [=selected]

general transposition:

Viewing score and abc source of 'Kempisch_X18'

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%% partsfont Helvetica 20 box
%%score [ 1 | ( 2 3 ) | 4 | 5 ]
%%MIDI program 73
%%MIDI program 21
%%MIDI program 21
%%MIDI program 58
%%MIDI program 43
T:Opgetekend en gearr.:
T:Harrie Franken
%%score [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]
I:linebreak $
V:1 clef=treble
%%MIDI program 73
V:2 clef=treble
%%MIDI program 21
V:3 clef=treble transpose=-14
%%MIDI program 58
V:4 clef=bass transpose=-12
%%MIDI program 43
!<(! G4!<)! |!<(! F4!<)! | E>^D E>F | D4 | C>E DC | B,>D CB, | A,>C B,A, |1 B,2 G,2 :|2 G,4 |: B,D G,2 | %10
B,D G,2 | C>C CE | ED D2 | B,D G,2 | B,D G,2 | A,>B, CF, | A,G, G,2 :| %17
B,4 | D4 | C>B, C>A, | B,4 | A,>C B,A, | G,>B, A,G, | F,>A, G,F, |1 G,2 G,2 :|2 G,4 |: G,B, D,2 | G,B, D,2 | G,>G, G,C | CB, B,2| %13
G,B, D,2 | G,B, D,2 | F,>G, A,F, | D,D, D,2 :| %17
[K:Amaj] E,4 | B,,4 | A,,4 | A,,4 | G,2 G,F, | E,2 E,F, | D,2 E,2 |1 E,2 E,2 :|2 E,4 |: C,3 E, | A,3 E, | F,>F, F,A, | %12
A,A, A,2 | C,3 E, | A,3 E, | E,>E, E,D, | C,C, C,2 :| %17
[K:Gmaj] G,,2 | D,,2 | C,,2 | G,,,2 | D,, D,, | G,, G,, | D,, D,, |1 G,, G,, :|2 G,,2 |: G,, G,, | G,, G,, | C,, C,, | %12
G,, G,, | G,, G,, | G,, G,, | D,, D,, | G,,/2G,,/2 G,, :| %17

%%score (1|2) 3
%%MIDI program 73
%%MIDI program 73
%%MIDI program 73
%%score [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]
%%MIDI program 74
%%MIDI program 73
%%MIDI program 42
%%MIDI program 73
%%score [ ( 1 2 ) | ( 3 4 ) | 5 | 6 ]
%%MIDI program 73
%%MIDI program 73
%%MIDI program 21
%%MIDI program 21
%%MIDI program 58
%%MIDI program 43
%%score [ ( 1 2 ) | ( 3 4 ) | 5 | ( 6 7 ) ]
%%MIDI program 73
%%MIDI program 73
%%MIDI program 21
%%MIDI program 21
%%MIDI program 58
%%MIDI program 43
%%MIDI program 43
%%score [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
%% partsfont Helvetica 20 box
%%MIDI program 22
%%MIDI program 71
%%MIDI program 73
%%begintextHet geheel viermaal rond.In de eerste en derde ronde 'D' maar één keer, dus daar meteen onder het 'tweetje'.%%endtext
%%score [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
%%MIDI program 22
%%MIDI program 71
%%MIDI program 73