ABC(plus) tune page

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I am a keen exponent of the ABC(plus) method of music notation. This section of my website tries to showcaces some of its possibilities.

Tranposition Options

Special 'one-click transpositions:
    None [=selected]    (1 octave down) Cello    (2 octaves down) Cello    (e.g. Clarinet in) Bb    (e.g. Alt Sax in) Eb    (e.g. Horn in) F    (e.g. Euphonium in) Bb, 1 octave down

general transposition:

Viewing score and abc source of 'sample4_X4'

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% - this file is part of abcm2ps
% definitions for tablature
%%beginps/hn{	1 1 1 setrgbcolor 1 SLW	1 index 2 sub 1 index M 8 0 RL stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor	3 sub M /Helvetica-Bold 8 selectfont show}!%%endps
%%deco head-3 3 hn 0 0 0 3
%%deco head-4 3 hn 0 0 0 4
%%deco head-5 3 hn 0 0 0 5
%%abc-version 2.0
%%measurenb 1
%%graceslurs 0
%%breakoneoln 0		% needed with abcm2ps-5.x.x
% tremolo: note the position of the decorations and the note lengths
%%staves 1 2
%%rightmargin 12cm
%%staves (melody1 chords melody2)
%%stemdir down
%%stemdir up
%%voicescale 0.8
C:Camille Saint-Saëns
%%staves [recit GO pos ped]
V:recit name="Récit"
V:GO clef=treble name="Grand\nOrgue"
z2[G,B,E][I:staff 3][G,B,E] \
[I:staff 2][A,CF][I:staff 3][A,CF] [I:staff 2][CEA][I:staff 3][CEA]| \
[I:staff 2][A,CF][I:staff 3][A,CF] [I:staff 2][B,DG][I:staff 3][B,DG] \
[I:staff 2][CEA][I:staff 3][CEA] [I:staff 2][DAc][I:staff 3][DAc]| \
[I:staff 2][EGB][I:staff 3][EGB] [I:staff 2][GBe][I:staff 3][GBe] \
[I:staff 2][EGB][I:staff 3][EGB] [I:staff 2][DFA][I:staff 3][DFA]|
V:pos clef=treble name=Positif
V:ped name="Pédale"

%%staves [1 2] | (3 4)
% tablature
%%stafflines 6
%%staffscale 1.6
%%staffnonote 2
% percussion
%%stafflines 1