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I am a keen exponent of the ABC(plus) method of music notation. This section of my website tries to showcaces some of its possibilities.
X:1 Failed to open include file percussion.fmt %%abc-include percussion.fmt C:Larry Myerscough C: T:percussion mapping test L:1/4 K:C M:none M:3/4 V:2% name=percussion %%voicemap perc_G %%voicecombine 2 %%MIDI channel 10 "^hand clap" ^D,, ^D,,2|\ %"^Acoustic snare" D,, D,,2 | "^Mute Triangle" _a _a2|\ "^Open Triangle" a a2 | "^high TB" ^d ^d2|\ "^mid TB" e e2|\ "^low TB" f f2|\ "^Big Drum" B,,, B,,,2|\ "^Gong / Tam-tam"C C2 y| "^Bass Pedal" C,, C,,2|\ "^Crash Cym" ^C, ^C,2|\ "^Cym a 2" A, A,2|\ "^sus. cym" B, B,2| "^high hat" ^F,, ^F,,2|\ "^Hi-Mid Tom " C, C,2|\ "^Low-Mid Tom " B,, B,,2|\ %%voicemap perc_F %%voicecombine 2 %%MIDI channel 10