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I am a keen exponent of the ABC(plus) method of music notation. This section of my website tries to showcaces some of its possibilities.
X:29 T:The Munster Cloak T:The Spanish Cloak R:waltz M:3/4 L:1/8 K:Gmaj | G2 GA BG | A2 AB cA | G2 GA Bd | c2 A2 d2 |! | G2 GA BG | A2 AB cA | d2 defd | c2 A2 d2 :|! | g2 ga gf | d2 g2 a2 | b2 a2 g2 | f2 g2 a2 |! | b2 a2 g2 | f2 de fd | dc Ad cA | AG FG AF :|!