ABC(plus) tune page

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I am a keen exponent of the ABC(plus) method of music notation. This section of my website tries to showcaces some of its possibilities.

Tranposition Options

Special 'one-click transpositions:
    None [=selected]    (1 octave down) Cello    (2 octaves down) Cello    (e.g. Clarinet in) Bb    (e.g. Alt Sax in) Eb    (e.g. Horn in) F    (e.g. Euphonium in) Bb, 1 octave down

general transposition:

Viewing score and abc source of 'playford_X9'

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% Nottingham Music Database
% Nottingham Music Database
% Nottingham Music Database
%%MIDI gchord fzczcz
% Nottingham Music Database
%%MIDI gchord fzczcz
% Nottingham Music Database
% Nottingham Music Database
%%MIDI gchord fzczcz
% Nottingham Music Database
T:Never Love Thee More
% Nottingham Music Database
"G"DED G2A|"G"BcB A2G|"G7"dB2 A2G|"C"E3 -E3|"G"DED G2A|
"G"BcB A2G|"G"dB2 c2d|"C"e3 -e2e|"G"dB2 A2G|"C"c2d edc|"G"dBc "C"A2G|
"Am"E3 "D7"G2E|"G"DED G2A|"G"Bcd "C"edc|"Am"dBc "D7"A2G|"G"G3 -G2||

% Nottingham Music Database
% Nottingham Music Database
% Nottingham Music Database
% Nottingham Music Database
%%MIDI gchord fzzczz
% Nottingham Music Database
% Nottingham Music Database