ABC(plus) tune page

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Ik ben een ijverige gebruiker van de ABC(plus) methode van muzieknotatie. Dit gebied bnnen mijn website toont een aantal van diens mogelijkheden.

Tranposition Options

Special 'one-click transpositions:
    None [=selected]    (1 octave down) Cello    (2 octaves down) Cello    (e.g. Clarinet in) Bb    (e.g. Alt Sax in) Eb    (e.g. Horn in) F    (e.g. Euphonium in) Bb, 1 octave down

general transposition:

Bladmuziek en abc broncode van 'sample3_X2' zijn hieronder getoond

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%%deco alcoda 3 dacs 20 0 0 Al Coda
%%header "		$T\n		Page $P"
%%footer "	$F"
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 11.5cm
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 11.5cm
%%begintext%%Multi column text on the right after a blank line.%%endtext
%%multicol end
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 11.5cm
%%begintext         And now at the left side.Here, there are spaces to align                the text on the right.%%endtext
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 11.5cm
%%multicol end
%%center Scale change inside the tune
%%scale 0.6
%%leftmargin 7cm
%%rightmargin 11cm
%%scale 1.2
%%leftmargin 11cm
%%rightmargin 4cm
%%leftmargin 5cm
%%scale 1
%%EPS sample3.eps
%%scale 0.75		% set the scale back to default
% restore the left and right margins
%%leftmargin 1.78cm
%%rightmargin 1.78cm
%%center Is this centered?
T:Staff break
K:G exp ^F ^F, clef=C
%%staffbreak 0.2cm
[K:G clef=treble][M:C]SDE FG|AG !alcoda!FE|DE FE||\
%%staffbreak 2cm
[K:G clef=treble]OC2D2||

%%staves {1 2}
%%staffbreak 0.2cm
%%staffbreak 0.2cm
%%staffbreak 2cm
%%staffbreak 2cm
%%gchordbox 1
%%graceslurs 0
%%staves (1 2)